Frequently Asked Questions

Welcome to the Adventures in Camp Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section! We know that sending your child to camp is a big decision, and you probably have a lot of questions. Whether you’re curious about daily activities, safety measures, or what to pack, we’re here to help. Below, you’ll find answers to some of the most common questions parents and guardians ask. If you don’t see your question listed, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us directly. We’re excited to embark on this adventure with your child!


No. The camper’s family is responsible for transportation to and from the camp each day. We will provide transportation on field trip days on a licensed vehicle.

No. This is what we need you to bring.
You provide the food,
We provide the fun!
Due to the high-energy of our camp, campers get very hungry! Please provide a large healthy lunch for your child to enjoy. Using a reusable bag saves money, and can store ice packs thus keeping lunches cooler.

Ideas for lunch:

  • Freeze a yogurt and then put it in your child’s lunch
  • Pack Ziploc baggies full of fruit and veggies that your child loves.
  • Pack a juice box or freeze a water bottle.
  • Pack a sandwich that your child loves to eat, and pack an extra one the first day to gauge how hungry your child will be during the rest of the week. Counselors make sure the campers save the uneaten food, so that families know how much is really eaten at camp. Pack food that does NOT need to be microwaved.
  • YES, camp provides snack around 3:15 PM each day.
  • A list of our weekly snacks will be posted on the front desk.
  • All lunches are stored in a cooler with 6-8 ice packs inside to keep lunches cool at 40’F.
  • Coolers are left inside the air-conditioned building, except on field trip days.
  • On field trip days, the coolers come with us on the trip.
    What if my child gets thirsty during the day?
  • Camp provides the campers with their own camp cup to use to drink cold water throughout the day.
    When groups rotate from outdoor to indoor activities (every 30-45 minutes) we have water breaks with ice-cold water.
  • We also have a water fountain inside camp.
  • You may bring in food for before, mid-day care or after care.
    In fact, we encourage it!
  • When your camper gets hungry, just let a counselor know, and we will get the food ready that they brought from home.
  • Please keep Adventures in Camp, LLC up to date about any allergy your child has, so that we may ensure their safety.
  • Camp has an Allergy Area for campers who have food allergies. We even have a peanut free cooler for lunches.
    We are NOT a nut free facility.
What should campers bring?
  • Lunch
  • Backpack that holds all personal items.

Things to pack: Towels, Sunscreen, Bathing Suit, Extra set of clothes.

  • All items should be labeled with your camper’s name.
  • Backpacks can be brought to camp on Monday, and stay all week in our secure facility.

Backpacks should be brought home on Fridays.

What should campers wear?
  • All campers should wear loose fitting, comfortable clothing.
  • Closed toed tennis shoes are required. Packing extra socks is a good idea too.
  • A hat is recommended for outdoor activities.
  • Pack a sweater or light jacket and leave it in your backpack.
  • On field trip days, our camp shirt MUST be worn by everyone.
  • All items are kept at camp, Stevens Forest Neighborhood Center.
  • Backpacks may stay at camp Monday – Friday.
  • On rare occasions, the camp building may be used for other purposes. In this event, we will lock up everything for safekeeping.
  • ALL items MUST be taken home on Fridays.
  • Lunches go into the coolers.

YES! There will be a Lost and Found container located near the sign in table. If your child leaves anything behind and it is not labeled it will be in the lost and found area. At 6pm of the last day of camp, any items left in the lost and found will be donated to charity.

  • Campers may bring in extra snacks for the morning, mid, and afternoon extended care sessions. Since camp is a high-energy camp, the campers get extra hungry.
  • We do provide snacks around 3:15PM, however, staying for the extended hours your child may get a little hungrier than other campers and may require you to pack extra snacks to hold them over until you can pick them up from camp.
  • Adventures in Camp, LLC has anywhere from 8 – 12 different activities that are planned each day, for each group of campers. The schedule is posted at camp during morning care.
  • The schedule may change due to weather or other reasons because safety comes first. 
  • Then there are numerous other activities that we can select to partake in each day. We have arts and crafts where we could create art just for fun or make a project that involves our weekly theme.
  • We have weekly nature walks where we walk around our summer camp location, around the lake, through the woods, and onto the far playground where we look for animals.
  • One day a week we go swimming! Make sure you have your bathing suit, sunscreen and towel at camp. If it is an extremely hot week, we may have water days. Activities with water relays and chances to cool off under the hot sun.

Yes We have a field trip once a week. Previous field trips have been:
National Zoo, Maryland Science Center, Mystics Game, Orioles Game, Nationals Game, Watkins Nature Park, Aviation Museum, Museum of Natural History, Water Parks, Six Flags, Roller Skating, Farms, Petting Zoos, NASA visitor Center, Sky Zone, Climb Zone, Annapolis, and so many more places!

  • We HIGHLY recommend you bring in sunscreen for your child, not just on pool days, but EVERYDAY. Apply sunscreen before the camp day and label the bottle with your child’s name.
  • We apply at 9AM, 11AM, and 2PM daily.
  • If you allow us, we will help apply sunscreen to your child’s face.

Children get sick. It happens. But we need to keep every child and adult’s safety and well-being into account.
Children will be sent home if any of the following conditions apply and may not return for 24 hours after the symptoms have stopped unless accompanied by a parent’s or doctor’s note. This is for the safety of our staff and fellow campers.

  • Fever over 100 degrees
  • Bout of vomiting or diarrhea
  • A rash in a contactable area
  • Oozing and redness in the eye
  • Signs and symptoms of the flu

Adventures in Camp, LLC will contact parent or guardian if there are ANY questions or concerns regarding a child’s health while in our care.

Adventures in Camp, LLC reserves the right to refuse service to anyone if there is a question or concern regarding the health and well-being of a child to ensure a safe and healthy environment for all the children and staff.

  • For small cuts and “boo boos” we will escort the camper into camp, and wash the area and apply a bandage, if necessary.
  • For larger bumps and bruises we will notify you and inform you of what we did or to comfort your child.

All medication, prescription and non-prescription needs to fit the following criteria:

    • Be in the original container, with original label.
    • Medication Authorization Form must be completed (by parent/guardian and physician).
    • If child needs an Epi-pen or an inhaler, one MUST be kept at camp during camper’s stay, and proper forms need to be completed.
    • Medication, and medical devices must be given to camp by parent/guardian on the first day and then picked up on the camper’s last day of camp by parent/guardian.
    • Any medication left at camp after 6PM of the last day of camp will be destroyed and disposed of according to state regulations.
    • All medications will be stored in a secure and safe place away from campers.
    • Child may self-administer medication, if a doctor and parent/guardian agree to this and provide documentation.
    • Only the camp’s CMT (Certified Medication Technician) and the designee
      will administer medication.
  • When you register the camper online, you have to answer the question honestly and completely by the child’s parent or guardian.
  • Children who were not enrolled in public or private schools must provide a copy of their records.

No shocker here, but the weather is unpredictable. Mother Nature does her own thing and we just make schedules around what is going on outside to keep our campers safe.

We do make weekly schedules; however, we may need to switch the plans around to keep out of the scorching heat or to keep dry on the rainy days.

Although it has not happened yet, if we should need to shut down, or not open camp due to inclement weather, we would notify you immediately.

During camp hours, if we would need to relocate to a safer location, we would go to the elementary school next door, Stevens Forest Elementary School.
We would notify our camper’s family immediately.

  • At Adventures in Camp, LLC the philosophy on discipline is one of guidance and redirection. It is not a policy of punishment or physical force. If, at any time, physical force is used by any of our team members this will result in immediate dismissal.
  • No discipline will be given at any time to humiliate, shame, or frighten a child.
  • Adventures in Camp, LLC believes that discipline is a process that is learned over time through reminders of the appropriate behaviors that are expected of the child. We explain to the child what behavior was not appropriate and discuss alternate ways that the child should have handled the situation.
  • If necessary, to avoid further conflict, the child will be sent inside to sit and “cool off” with the director. Following this discussion, we will inform the parents of the situation and how it was handled.
  • Expulsion will happen if there is behavioral issue that the director feels would be in the best interest of the entire camp, and all of its campers at Adventures in Camp, LLC.
  • No child shall at any time use inappropriate language, or verbal abuse towards anyone at camp.
  • Adventures in Camp, LLC reserves the right to dismiss any child without prior notice.
  • If additional money is owed to Adventures in Camp, LLC, it must be paid.
  • All staff members have been through interviews and multiple background searches,
    including references from personal and professional individuals.
  • All staff are fingerprinted by Maryland and the FBI and have received a clean background
    check from these organizations.
  • Staff have been investigated by the Child Protection Service Agency and have received a clean
    background check from this agency as well.

We have a program at camp for teenagers who have been with our camp for several years, and who are too old to be campers, but still want to come to camp. These CITs gain valuable knowledge and are an extra set of eyes and hands when assisting our counselors with our daily schedule.